Professional Level Pre-Owned Oboes
Brand Model Price Information
Loree Tabuteau $3300 Serial #CDxx (made around 1970). New Protec case.
Loree AK $4800 Serial #NUxx (early 2000’s). Loree case and cover.
Loree Royal $4950 Serial OSxx (around 2003). Loree case. Well-maintained!
Loree Royal $5150 Serial #RCxx (around 2007). Loree case and cover.
Loree AK $6800 Serial #THxx (around 2014). Loree case and cover. Gorgeous!
Custom Duet $6850 Serial #88xx Yamaha 841-LT (2016) Excellent condition!
Please note: a discount of 3% is available for pre-owned instruments purchased with cash or check.