Why buying your next instrument from DNR just makes sense!
With so many reputable instrument dealers, why should you buy your next instrument from Double or Nothing Reeds?

DNR guarantees high quality! Our team members are experienced professionals in oboe and English horn, and have experience playing and teaching students with the instruments DNR offers.
DNR guarantees customer satisfaction! Instruments are ready to play right out of the case! Before new instruments are shipped to customers, they are set up, adjusted, and professionally play tested by our team.
DNR offers an in house warranty! The purchase of a new instrument includes an 18 month DNR warranty covering swab extraction, pad replacement, tenon cork replacement, and more. The DNR warranty also includes a year one check-up complete with cleaning, oiling, and adjustment!
DNR appreciates your business! DNR will waive the consignment fee with the purchase of a new instrument. When you upgrade to a new instrument, we will gladly help you sell yours!